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I've been reading up on how to DROP variables from my dataset that have null values in every observation - it seems the best way to do this is using the %DROPMISS macro function - however I'm getting an error msg - below is the code I'm trying and the error msg


%DROPMISS (DSIN=dataset1, DSOUT=dataset2); 


4665  %DROPMISS (DSIN=dataset1, DSOUT=dataset2);

WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro DROPMISS not resolved.
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.


  • You need to define the dropmiss macro before you use it.

    You can find it here in the appendix (page3)

    Or better formatted here:

    options nomprint noSYMBOLGEN MLOGIC;
    %macro DROPMISS( DSNIN /* name of input SAS dataset
        , DSNOUT /* name of output SAS dataset
        , NODROP= /* [optional] variables to be omitted from dropping even if
        they have only missing values */
        ) ;
        /* PURPOSE: To find both Character and Numeric the variables that have only
        missing values and drop them if
        * they are not in &NONDROP
        * NOTE: if there are no variables in the dataset, produce no variables
        processing code
        * EXAMPLE OF USE:
        * %DROPMISS( DSNIN, DSNOUT, NODROP=_numeric_ )
        * %DROPMISS( DSNIN, DSNOUT, NOdrop=_character_ )
        %local I ;
        %if "&DSNIN" = "&DSNOUT"
        %then %do ;
        %put /------------------------------------------------\ ;
        %put | ERROR from DROPMISS: | ;
        %put | Input Dataset has same name as Output Dataset. | ;
        %put | Execution terminating forthwith. | ;
        %put \------------------------------------------------/ ;
        %goto L9999 ;
        %end ;
        /* begin executable code
        /* Create dataset of variable names that have only missing values
        /* exclude from the computation all names in &NODROP
        proc contents data=&DSNIN( drop=&NODROP ) memtype=data noprint out=_cntnts_( keep=
        name type ) ; run ;
        %let N_CHAR = 0 ;
        %let N_NUM = 0 ;
        data _null_ ;
        set _cntnts_ end=lastobs nobs=nobs ;
        if nobs = 0 then stop ;
        n_char + ( type = 2 ) ;
        n_num + ( type = 1 ) ;
        /* create macro vars containing final # of char, numeric variables */
        if lastobs
        then do ;
        call symput( 'N_CHAR', left( put( n_char, 5. ))) ;
        call symput( 'N_NUM' , left( put( n_num , 5. ))) ;
        end ;
        run ;
        /* if there are no variables in dataset, stop further processing
        %if %eval( &N_NUM + &N_CHAR ) = 0
        %then %do ;
        %put /----------------------------------\ ;
        %put | ERROR from DROPMISS: | ;
        %put | No variables in dataset. | ;
        %put | Execution terminating forthwith. | ;
        %put \----------------------------------/ ;
        %goto L9999 ;
        %end ;
        /* put global macro names into global symbol table for later retrieval
        %LET NUM0 =0;
        %LET CHAR0 = 0;
        %IF &N_NUM >0 %THEN %DO;
        %do I = 1 %to &N_NUM ;
        %global NUM&I ;
        %end ;
        %if &N_CHAR > 0 %THEN %DO;
        %do I = 1 %to &N_CHAR ;
        %global CHAR&I ;
        %end ;
        /* create macro vars containing variable names
        /* efficiency note: could compute n_char, n_num here, but must declare macro names
        to be
        global b4 stuffing them
        proc sql noprint ;
        %if &N_CHAR > 0 %then %str( select name into :CHAR1 - :CHAR&N_CHAR from
        _cntnts_ where type = 2 ; ) ;
        %if &N_NUM > 0 %then %str( select name into :NUM1 - :NUM&N_NUM from
        _cntnts_ where type = 1 ; ) ;
        quit ;
        /* Determine the variables that are missing
        %IF &N_CHAR > 1 %THEN %DO;
        %let N_CHAR_1 = %EVAL(&N_CHAR - 1);
        Proc sql ;
        select %do I= 1 %to &N_NUM; max (&&NUM&I) , %end; %IF &N_CHAR > 1 %THEN %DO;
        %do I= 1 %to &N_CHAR_1; max(&&CHAR&I), %END; %end; MAX(&&CHAR&N_CHAR)
        %do I= 1 %to &N_NUM; :NUMMAX&I , %END; %IF &N_CHAR > 1 %THEN %DO;
        %do I= 1 %to &N_CHAR_1; :CHARMAX&I,%END; %END; :CHARMAX&N_CHAR
        from &DSNIN;
        /* initialize DROP_NUM, DROP_CHAR global macro vars
        %let DROP_NUM = ;
        %let DROP_CHAR = ;
        %if &N_NUM > 0 %THEN %DO;
        DATA _NULL_;
        %do I = 1 %to &N_NUM ;
        %IF &&NUMMAX&I =. %THEN %DO;
        %let DROP_NUM = &DROP_NUM %qtrim( &&NUM&I ) ;
        %end ;
        %IF &N_CHAR > 0 %THEN %DO;
        DATA _NULL_;
        %do I = 1 %to &N_CHAR ;
        %IF "%qtrim(&&CHARMAX&I)" eq "" %THEN %DO;
        %let DROP_CHAR = &DROP_CHAR %qtrim( &&CHAR&I ) ;
        %end ;
        /* Create output dataset
        data &DSNOUT ;
        %if &DROP_CHAR ^= %then %str(DROP &DROP_CHAR ; ) ; /* drop char variables
        have only missing values */
        %if &DROP_NUM ^= %then %str(DROP &DROP_NUM ; ) ; /* drop num variables
        have only missing values */
        set &DSNIN ;
        %if &DROP_CHAR ^= or &DROP_NUM ^= %then %do;
        %put /----------------------------------\ ;
        %put | Variables dropped are &DROP_CHAR &DROP_NUM | ;
        %put \----------------------------------/ ;
        %if &DROP_CHAR = and &DROP_NUM = %then %do;
        %put /----------------------------------\ ;
        %put | No variables are dropped |;
        %put \----------------------------------/ ;
        run ;
    %mend DROPMISS ;