How to make the built-in Quick ToolBar
transparent so that only buttons are visible?
Since QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3
and Qt 5.2 you can use ToolBarStyle
, i.e. you can write something like this (obviously with whatever padding you prefer):
toolBar:ToolBar {
style: ToolBarStyle {
padding {
left: 0
right: 0
top: 0
bottom: 0
background: Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
ToolButton {
text: "Button 1"
ToolButton {
text: "Button 2"
style: ButtonStyle {
background: Rectangle {
border.width: control.activeFocus ? 4 : 1
border.color: "#888"
radius: 4
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0 ; color: control.pressed ? "#eee" : "#fff" }
GradientStop { position: 1 ; color: control.pressed ? "#fff" : "#aaa" }
label: Text {
anchors.fill: parent
minimumPixelSize : 8
fontSizeMode: Text.HorizontalFit
font.pixelSize: 15
text: "open"
color: "red"
font.bold: true
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
ToolButton {
text: "Button 3"
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
CheckBox {
text: "Enabled"
checked: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight