It's late and I am done for tonight--can someone please lend a hand on getting this to work? Do I need to do some additional work to get these Unicode strings assigned as literals?
First attempt at creating a hash table of double-encoded and desired key-value pairs:
[string] $double_encoded_values = @{
"€" = "€";
"‚" = "‚";
"Æ’" = "ƒ";
"„" = "„";
"…" = "…";
"â€" = "†";
"‡" = "‡";
"ˆ" = "ˆ";
"‰" = "‰";
"Å" = "Š";
"‹" = "‹";
"Å’" = "Œ";
"Ž" = "Ž";
"‘" = "‘";
"’" = "’";
"“" = "“";
"â€" = "”";
"•" = "•";
"–" = "–";
"—" = "—";
"Ëœ" = "˜" ;
"â„¢" = "™";
"Å¡" = "š";
"›" = "›";
"Å“" = "œ";
"ž" = "ž";
"Ÿ" = "Ÿ";
"¡" = "¡";
"¢" = "¢";
"£" = "£";
"¤" = "¤";
"Â¥" = "¥";
"¦" = "¦";
"§" = "§";
"¨" = "¨";
"©" = "©";
"ª" = "ª";
"«" = "«";
"¬" = "¬";
"®" = "®";
"¯" = "¯";
"°" = "°";
"±" = "±";
"²" = "²";
"³" = "³";
"´" = "´";
"µ" = "µ";
"¶" = "¶";
"·" = "·";
"¸" = "¸";
"¹" = "¹";
"º" = "º";
"»" = "»";
"¼" = "¼";
"½" = "½";
"¾" = "¾";
} # $double_encoded_values
My version:
PS C:\Windows\system32> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
4 0 -1 -1
Error received:
At line:20 char:12
+ "–" = "–";
+ ~
Missing '=' operator after key in hash literal.
At line:20 char:12
+ "–" = "–";
+ ~
The hash literal was incomplete.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEqualsInHashLiteral
PowerShell treats the “
in –
as a double quote, effectively escaping the closing "
in "–"
Use single quotes to avoid having PowerShell trying to parse the key names and values:
'–' = '-'