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How to create a SPARQL endpoint using Virtuoso?

I have just setup Virtuoso and I have loaded an OWL file (created with Protege software) present on my local machine in to Virtuoso using the following code:

SQL> DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML_MT (file_to_string_output ('antibiotics.owl'), '', '');

Now, my question is how do I access the URI ? How do I create a SPARQL endpoint in Virtuoso so that I can query it?


  • No need to create a sparql endpoint, since it's already there. Check the inserted RDF data on your Virtuoso instance sparql endpoint http://cname:port/sparql (usually: http://localhost:8890/sparql). To do some test queries, use the web interface of Virtuoso (the conductor) http://localhost:8890/conductor and go to the 'Linked Data' tab. Enter a query like:

    SELECT ?s ?p ?o
    FROM <>
    WHERE {?s ?p ?o}
    LIMIT 1000

    to get started.

    You can also query directly from the vsql command line by adding 'SPARQL ' in front of your sparql query. To get results in a specific format directly via html get request:


    For a more detailed answer, consult the documentation here:

    Points of interest: SPARQL Endpoint with JSON/P Output Option: Curl Example
    16.2.5. SPARQL Inline in SQL

    If you still want your own endpoint: Creating and Using a SPARQL-WebID based Endpoint

    Best regards...