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AngularJS inject $http into config for angular-translate

I'm using angular-translate module and am trying to inject all my translations that are on server with $http. I use a provider and I know that only i can inject dependencies through $get but I can't call that function from my provider. I need to know if i can do this and how i do it.

This is my provider.

.provider('languageServices', function (){

    this.languages = {};

    this.getExistLanguages = function() {
      return ['en','es'];

    this.getAllLanguages = function(){
      return this.languages;

    this.$get = function($http){
      return {
        getSpecificLanguage : function(lan) {
          return  this.languages = $'fr3/i18n',lan);

this is my config app

    .config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, USER_ROLES, $translateProvider, languageServicesProvider) {
            $stateProvider.state('dashboard', {
                    url: '/dashboard',
                    views: {
                        'header': {template: ''},
                        'content': { templateUrl: 'views/dashboard.html' }
                    data: { authorizedRoles: [USER_ROLES.admin] }

    // here is where i want inject all my translations with something like:
   // var languages = languageServicesProvider.getAllLanguages();
//and languages pass it to translateProvider

I know this code has some errors but I only want you have a idea that I want to do.



  • So angular-translate provides it's own $http process to do this. I happened to literally just implement this today, so you're in luck. You can see it here in their docs.$translateUrlLoader

    Their docs are pretty bad, but the way you would implement this is in your app.config where you have your preferred language thing you would add...


    Again this is where their documentation is bad. The options you need for this will just be your url, so...

      url: '/yoururl'

    This will create an http call that will try to get from '/yoururl?lang=en_US' or whatever language code is currently active.

    You are also going to need to include the script for url loader which is this here

    That also gives you some more info in the comments about using it.

    Let me know if you have anymore questions. Hope this helps. Took me a while to figure out what is going on with this thing. Again, very bad documentation.


    I noticed you are also writing your own services to make a list of available languages. Angular-translate also has something for this...

    $translateProvider.registerAvailableLanguageKeys(['en', 'ja']);