I'm new to CodeIgniter, one of the projects at my new job was built in CodeIgniter so I am sort of using pieces the previous programmer wrote as a basis.
Im trying to create a method in our orders_model that contains a query that I cannot get any results from.
I built the query directly in MS SQL Server Management Studio 08 and get over 200 rows there, but when I paste it into my method, the resulting resource of the query is false.
I copied this method from another one I created which works fine, even stripped out all the validation so it will simply run and return the query.
Here is the stripped down method:
public function get_part_index($pick_id, $return_data=true)
$orders = $this->load->database('orders', true);
$sql = "SELECT
u.metraPartNumber ,
DISTINCT ', ' + ic.Box
orderScans.dbo.FullCaseScanTable AS ic JOIN upcCodeDatabase.dbo.upc AS iu
ON ic.FullUccCode = iu.fullUccCode
u.PartNumber = iu.PartNumber
AND c.PickNumber = ic.PickNumber
ic.Box FOR XML PATH('')
) ,
1 ,
1 ,
) AS BoxLocation
orderScans.dbo.FullCaseScanTable AS c JOIN upcCodeDatabase.dbo.upc AS u
ON c.FullUccCode = u.fullUccCode
c.PickNumber = ?
GROUP BY u.PartNumber ,
$query = $orders->query($sql, array($pick_id));
* When I add die(var_dump($query)) here I get (bool)false
if ($query !== FALSE) {
$result['data'] = $query->result_array();
$result['success'] = TRUE;
$result['msg'] = NULL;
} else {
$result['data'] = NULL;
$result['msg'] = "Pick ID '$pick_id' not found!";
$result['success'] = FALSE;
return $result;
The only thing I can think of is perhaps the database class/adapter doesn't like something with the subquery?
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
After trying a view (which did the same exact thing...) I decided to pull the raw data and run through the data in php, putting it together how I wanted.