Hey i am trying to calculate a cosinor analysis in statistica but am at a loss as to how to do so. I need to calculate the MESOR, AMPLITUDE, and ACROPHASE of ciracadian rhythm data.
there is a link that shows how to do it, the formulas and such, but it has not given me much help. Does anyone know the code for it, either in statistica or SPSS??
I really need to get this done because it is for an important paper
I don't have SPSS or Statistica, so I can't tell you the exact "push-this-button" kind of steps, but perhaps this will help.
Cosinor analysis is fitting a cosine (or sine) curve with a known period. The main idea is that the non-linear problem of fitting a cosine function can be reduced to a problem that is linear in its parameters if the period is known. I will assume that your period T=24 hours.