I'm trying to write a macro in MASM I have looked over the syntax I've looked online and I've looked in my book. I'm using the same syntax but it keeps giving me an error for either the Macro call itself or the parameter I'm trying to use. I have no clue what's wrong and I feel stupid for asking the stack overflow community but I've run out of options please help. Code below.
; Description: Bit manipulation using macros
; Revision date:
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
number dword 1
main PROC
mReverse number; MAcro call
main ENDP
mReverse MACRO number
local label , count
count dword 7
cmp count, 0
jne Do1&label
jmp endWh1le&label
rol &number,1
dec count
jmp Wh1le&label
END main
When the MASM-preprocessor reaches the line mReverse number; MAcro call
, it doesn't know the "directive" mReverse
because the macro will be defined later. Move the whole mReverse MACRO...ENDM
block to the beginning of the program.