How can I change my MAMP mysql.sock file path from
to something else that doesn't get deleted whenever I quit MAMP or restart the computer? I'm running Mac OS X Yosemite.
Details: MAMP / MySQL socket file gets erased every time I quit MAMP.
This is understandable, given that the mysql.sock file is stored in a tmp folder.
Current path is /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock
Every time I run MAMP I have to recreate a symlink using the following command:
sudo ln -s [source] [target]
Source = /var/mysql/mysql.sock OR /tmp/mysql.sock
Target = /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock
This is a known problem and a few answers have been given to other questions like this, but none provide a way to change where the MAMP mysql.sock file is stored.
I found that this has nothing to do with MAMP.
This file -> mysql.sock is not a definitive file, so to speak. It's created every time you start mysqld, and it's deleted when you stop mysqld or restart/shutdown your computer.
So, to solve this you have to start mysqld every time you're going to do some database operation.
Or you can configure it as a startup program/script. Once you do this, your problems will be solved.