If I were to do something like this to process arguments in bash, how would I check if there were no arguments? It doesn't seem to go to the *) case, but I'd still like to put a usage statement in there somewhere.
while getopts 'ias' flag; do
case "${flag}" in
i) ifl='true' ;;
m) afl='true' ;;
n) sfl='true' ;;
*) error "Invalid option ${flag}" ;;
Before the while loop, do this
if (( $# == 0 )); then
echo "you must specify one of -i or -a or -s"
exit 1
or, after the while loop, you can do this
if [[ $ifl != true && $afl != true && $sfl != true ]]; then
echo "you must specify one of -i or -a or -s"
exit 1