I want to count the occurrences of an element in a list, and if there is one then the predicate unique would be true, else false. However, if the element occurs more than once, Prolog finds it true. I don't know what to do...
count([], X, 0).
count([X|T], X, Y) :- count(T, X, Z), Y is 1+Z, write(Z).
count([_|T], X, Z) :- count(T, X, Z).
unique(St, [Y|RestList]) :- count([Y|RestList], St, N), N =:= 1.
The solution works as far as the first argument is a ground list. In some other cases, it is incorrect:
?- count([E], a, 0).
Here we ask
How must the element
of a list of length 1 look like such that the list contains 0 occurences ofa
And in fact there are answers to this, like E = b
or E = c
?- count([b],a,0).
?- count([c],a,0).
For this reason Prolog's answer was incomplete. It should have said, yes. But how?
count([], _, 0).
count([E|Es], F, N0) :-
count(Es, F, N1),
if_(E = F, D = 1, D = 0),
N0 is N1+D.
?- length(Xs, I), count_dif(Xs, a, N).
Xs = [], I = N, N = 0
; Xs = [a], I = N, N = 1
; Xs = [_A], I = 1, N = 0, dif(_A, a)
; Xs = [a, a], I = N, N = 2
; Xs = [_A, a], I = 2, N = 1, dif(_A, a)
; Xs = [a, _A], I = 2, N = 1, dif(_A, a)
; Xs = [_A, _B], I = 2, N = 0, dif(_A, a), dif(_B, a)
; ... .
To further improve this, we might use library(clpfd)
as it is available in SICStus, YAP, and SWI.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count([], _, 0).
count([E|Es], F, N0) :-
N0 #>= 0,
if_(E = F, D = 1, D = 0),
N0 #= N1+D,
count(Es, F, N1).
Now even the following terminates:
?- count([a,a|_], a, 1).
?- N #< 2, count([a,a|_], a, N).