I am trying to implement the basic Equations for Kalman filter for the following 1 dimensional AR model:
x(t) = a_1x(t-1) + a_2x(t-2) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t);
The KF state space model :
x(t+1) = Ax(t) + w(t)
y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t)
w(t) = N(0,Q)
v(t) = N(0,R)
% A - state transition matrix
% C - observation (output) matrix
% Q - state noise covariance
% R - observation noise covariance
% x0 - initial state mean
% P0 - initial state covariance
%%% Matlab script to simulate data and process usiung Kalman for the state
%%% estimation of AR(2) time series.
% Linear system representation
% x_n+1 = A x_n + Bw_n
% y_n = Cx_n + v_n
% w = N(0,Q); v = N(0,R)
clear all
T = 100; % number of data samples
order = 2;
% True coefficients of AR model
a1 = 0.195;
a2 = -0.95;
A = [ a1 a2;
1 0 ];
C = [ 1 0 ];
B = [1;
x =[ rand(order,1) zeros(order,T-1)];
sigma_2_w =1; % variance of the excitation signal for driving the AR model(process noise)
sigma_2_v = 0.01; % variance of measure noise
%Simulate AR model time series, x;
%simulation of the system
for t = 1:T-1
x(:,t+1) = A*x(:,t) + B*sqrtW*randn(1,1);
%noisy observation
y = C*x + sqrt(sigma_2_v)*randn(1,T);
%R = diag(R);
R = var(y);
z = zeros(1,length(y));
z = y;
for i=1:T-1
[xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q);
[nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, z(i), C, R);
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);
xhat = xnew';
hold on;
function [xpred, Ppred] = predict(x0,P, A, Q)
xpred = A*x0;
Ppred = A*P*A' + Q;
function [nu, S] = innovation(xpred, Ppred, y, C, R)
nu = y - C*xpred; %% innovation
S = R + C*Ppred*C'; %% innovation covariance
function [xnew, Pnew] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C)
K = Ppred*C'*inv(S); %% Kalman gain
xnew = xpred + K*nu; %% new state
Pnew = Ppred - Ppred*K*C; %% new covariance
Question: I want to see how close the estimated state xnew
is to the actual state x
by a plot. But, the xnew
returned by the function innovation_update
is a 2by2 matrix! How do I simulate a time series with the estimated values?
You don't need to initialise Oops, I see you were already doing that! x
to anything, just set the initial state x(:,1)
and the "simulation of the system" loop will fill in the rest.
Later, in the loop that infers the state xnew
from the noisy observations y
you can add the line:
[xnew, P] = innovation_update(xpred, Ppred, nu, S, C);
yhat(i) = C*xnew; % Observed value at time step i, assuming inferred state xnew
Finally, you should plot yhat
and y
for comparison.
If you want to add error bars for the uncertainty on the estimate then you should also store Phat(i) = sqrt(C*P*C')
and call errorbar(yhat,Phat)
instead of plot(yhat)