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Hadoop -copyFromLocal cant find the destination

I try to copy file from local to hadoop file system...
I'm using single node cluster

hduser@jothinathan-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /usr/hduser

hduser@jothinathan-VirtualBox:~$ hadoop fs -ls

Found 1 items

drwxr-xr-x   - hduser supergroup          0 2015-03-10 18:33 sample

hduser@jothinathan-VirtualBox:~$ cd Documents

hduser@jothinathan-VirtualBox:~/Documents$ ls

file  hadoopFIle.txt  URICat

hduser@jothinathan-VirtualBox:~/Documents$ cd

hduser@jothinathan-VirtualBox:~$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /Documents/file /usr/local/hadoop

copyFromLocal: `/usr/local/hadoop': No such file or directory

I am getting this error message, please help me with this problem.


  • first try this command.

    hadoop fs -ls /

    if it is listing out the local file system files.(not hdfs),then try

    hadoop fs -ls hdfs://IP-ADDRESS-of your-machine/

    now copy your file to hdfs by

    hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /Documents/file  hdfs://Ip-addressofyourmachine/above result path