I plan to use Skobbler maps iOS SDK for one of my project, but before using it inside my project I need to know the Map Sessions limitations for the free plan. In that sense I browsed the company's website and I found two different answers to my question:
1 - The first one that I found is located in the plans' description:
First 1 Million FREE.
2 - The second one that I found is located in the terms of api's usage.
50,000 monthly map views.
Billable Event >250,000 map sessions (including online routing): $0.50/1,000 additional map sessions.
50,000 monthly map views and you apparently start charging when we do a number of requests >250,000 map sessions.
I do not know if all these information are not up-to-date, but for the moment they really confuse me and it would be really cool if Skobbler (Telenav) or someone on this forum could provide us some clarifications about the pricing applied to an iOS developer using the Skobbler FREE plan?
With the 2.4 update, due to an error, the T&C was reverted to the, pre-October 2014 version.
It will be fixed right away - the T&C will properly reflect what is on the plans page: