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Show height change in real time

I just wrote a script that returns a div's height compared to it's parent into percentage.

I just need to find a way to display that height change in real time while animating the change.

This is what I have so far: jsFiddle


var full = $('#wrap').height();
var value = $('#bla').height();
var percentage = value*100/full ;

$('h1').html( percentage + '%');

    height: '74%'
},2200, "easeOutElastic");


  • see this fiddle

    you can set an interval which looks for the height of the div and update the text accordingly

    var inter=setInterval(function(){
        var full = $('#wrap').height();
        var value = $('#bla').height();
        var percentage = value*100/full ;
        $('h1').html( percentage + '%');