What do I need to change to make two lines (or more) fields presentation in GROCERY CRUD (CodeIgniter framewoks)?
In examples on site I see table like I need. But I make view and see my table like this example
I have some columns 50-100 characters long, and I need to show all content of them. But now I getting something like My field cont...
instead of:
'My field
If you are using GC version 1.3+, you can change grocery_crud_character_limiter
config option to zero:
//The character limiter at the list page, zero(0) value if you don't want character limiter at your list page
$config['grocery_crud_character_limiter'] = 30;
in this file:
This is system-wide setting. If you want to affect only some lists, you will have to add some code:
$crud->callback_column('text_to_show', array($this, '_full_text'));
function _full_text($value, $row)
return $value = wordwrap($row->text_to_show, 100, "<br>", true);
Credits goes to this page: http://www.grocerycrud.com/forums/topic/339-list-showing-data-row-without-limitation-of-chars/