I have a loop scanning for the files of a folder and I want to ask for each file if it should be moved or not. As I am already in that loop I can't use goto commands.
How can I prompt a input loop (yes / no) without using a goto command?
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
FOR %%a in (*.jpg) DO (
:: ask
set /p Input="Should !a! be moved? (yes/no)"
if %Input% == 'yes' (
MOVE !a! path/
if %Input% == 'no' (
:: just move on in loop
:: if not yes or no goback to ask
You can't do this directly because of the way the FOR loop is processed. You can do it indirectly though. Look for the call-command:
echo off
for %%i in (*) do
call :Bar %%i
goto :eof
@echo %1
goto :eof