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HelpStack: Predefined colors not working

I tried to integrate HelpStack with my system but everytime I tried to add it I got compilation error about predefined colors, I'm wondering why predefined android colors are not working with this project, here is the error I got:

Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'android:background' with value '@color/white').

I know that this can be done using res/colors.xml, but I want to use predefined colors.


  • Add on for @MD's answer, If you have defined white color in your resource file, Then confirm your file location.

    I mean, <color name="white">#FFFFFF</color> should be in res\values folder,

    For example, if you defined it in res\values-v21 folder, and run your app under API level 21 means, which also will cause the resource not found exception.