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Overload symfony2 vendor class to set curl verify_peer option to false

Using the Payum bundle with symfony2, I have the common unable to verify ssl certificate error.

I couldn't get rid of it by changing curl options in php.ini or by setting curl options in my php code.

However, modifying the vendor/kriswallsmith/buzz/lib/Buzz/Client/AbstractClient.php class and setting the default $verifyPeer option to false finally allows me to use Payum and PayPal express checkout locally with wamp.

EDIT: I can also override this class which uses the other one. I feel it's safer:


How can I override this class (ideally conditionally ie in dev mode when I'm working locally) ?


  • You can overwrite the service Just define it in your bundle which is registered after PayumBundle.

    <service id="" class="Buzz\Client\ClientInterface"     factory-class="Payum\Core\Bridge\Buzz\ClientFactory" factory- method="createCurl">
            <call method="setVerifyPeer">

    or in yml

            class: Buzz\Client\ClientInterface
            factory_class: Payum\Core\Bridge\Buzz\ClientFactory
            factory_method: createCurl
                - [setVerifyPeer, [false]]