Here is what I did:
PROBLEM: The HTTP response does NOT contain a <cmis:latestChangeLogToken>
Is that OK in regards to the CMIS protocol?
Am I doing something wrong? Or should I just assume a null value as a token, and be assured that from the next change the ChangeLog token will never become null again?
No, it is not OK in regard to the CMIS specification.
All requests to http://server/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom/changes
MUST return a token when ChangeLog is enabled.
From the CMIS 1.1 specification: "Latest Change Token" repository information
Repositories that support the changeLogToken event MUST expose the latest change log token (i.e. the change log token corresponding to the most recent change to any object in the repository) as a property returned by the getRepositoryInfo service.