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How to plan for whitebox testing

I'm relatively new to the world of WhiteBox Testing and need help designing a test plan for 1 of the projects that i'm currently working on. At the moment i'm just scouting around looking for testable pieces of code and then writing some unit tests for that. I somehow feel that is by far not the way it should be done. Please could you give me advice as to how best prepare myself for testing this project? Any tools or test plan templates that I could use? THe language being used is C++ if it'll make difference.


  • One of the goals of white-box testing is to cover 100% (or as close as possible) of the code statements. I suggest finding a C++ code coverage tool so that you can see what code your tests execute and what code you have missed. Then design tests so that as much code as possible is tested.

    Another suggestion is to look at boundary conditions in if statments, for loops, while loops etc. and test these for any 'gray' areas, false positives and false negatives.

    You could also design tests to look at the life cycle of important variables. Test their definition, their usage and their destruction to make sure they are being used correctly :)

    There's three ideas to get you started. Good luck