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Provisining Profile error whatchkit

Here is my error

I add 2app ID bundle for in Extension and watchkitapp after i create 2 Distributions for 2 ID after i double clicked on 2 Distributions and i added in Build Settings -> Watchkit Extension -> Code Signing Identity i good added

Distributions but when i want to send with Apploader i recived this error

Provisioning profile does not match bundle identifier: The provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“Appnamewatchkitextenstion”) has an AppID of “watchkitextension” which does not match your bundle identifier “Appname.watchkitextension”. CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'WatchKit Extension' in SDK 'iOS 8.2'

Alert The provisioning profile specified in your build setting (App Extension Distributions) has an App ID of "Watchkitextension" witch does not match your build identifier "Appname.watchkitextension "

but if i try to stay in auto provisining profile i ricived this error

Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning Profile included in the bundle Appname.watchkitapp [ Watchkit Extension.appex/Appname Watchkit] is invalid. [Missing code-signing cerfificate.]


  • The bottom of says

    Please Note: Apps built with Xcode 6.2 and iOS 8.2 SDK may be submitted to the App Store. However, WatchKit extensions are not accepted at this time.