Is it possible to retrieve all keys within the specific range, using Firebase's GeoFire? I am aware that you can receive events for geo queries, like: key entered, key exited or key moved, however I am currently looking for something more like FEventTypeValue (one time value read, for the specific geo region), because my map objects are not moving.
Can't find anything in the docs:
You can use the key entered events to first save all keys for a query in a dictionary and then use the ready event to determine when all keys have been added:
NSMutableDictionary *allKeys = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[query observeEventType:GFEventTypeKeyEntered withBlock:^(NSString *key, CLLocation *location) {
[allKeys setObject:location forKey:key];
[query observeReadyWithBlock:^{
// Create an immutable copy of the keys in the query
NSDictionary *valueData = [allKeys copy];
NSLog(@"All keys within a query: %@", valueData);
Don't forget to clean up your listeners afterwards.