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Eclipse Scout client unit tests with ScoutClientTestRunner

I am trying to create unit test with scout context and I can't find proper tutorial or example for it.

When I create test with ScoutClientTestRunner, I get error

java.lang.Exception: Client session class is not set. Either set the default client session using 'ScoutClientTestRunner.setDefaultClientSessionClass' or annotate your test class and/or method with 'ClientTest'

I try to set client session class like this :

public void setClassSession() throws Exception {



public void setClassSession() throws Exception {


I try to add @ClientTest to the class and to all methods but I still get same error.

How to set client session in tests if you use ScoutClientTestRunner ?


  • The ScoutClientTestRunner ensures that the JUnit tests are executed having all the Scout Context (OSGi and so on) available. Your attempts with @Before or @BeforeClass are too late. You need to provide the Scout Context initialization parameters before that. As the exception message says, you have 2 possibilities:

    (1) @ClientTest annotation

    You can annotate test classes or methods with @ClientTest using the clientSessionClass parameter:

    @ClientTest(clientSessionClass = ClientSession.class)
    public class DesktopFormTest {
      public void test1() throws Exception {
        //Do something requiring a scout context:
        //for example instantiate a DesktopForm.

    If necessary you can also do it at method level:

    public class DesktopFormTest {
      @ClientTest(clientSessionClass = Client1Session.class)
      public void test1() throws Exception {
        //client session is an instance of Client1Session.
      @ClientTest(clientSessionClass = Client2Session.class)
      public void test2() throws Exception {
        //client session is an instance of Client2Session.

    (2) Defining a TestEnvironment

    When the test is run (directly or using maven-tycho), a lookup for a fully qualified class org.eclipse.scout.testing.client.runner.CustomClientTestEnvironment is done.

    Run tests from the IDE

    The CustomClientTestEnvironment class should implement org.eclipse.scout.testing.client.runner.IClientTestEnvironment

    The method setupGlobalEnvironment() is called once and can be used to define the default client session with ScoutClientTestRunner.setDefaultClientSessionClass(..). This method can also be used to register required services.

    Here an example:

    package org.eclipse.scout.testing.client.runner; // <= can not be changed.
    // add imports
    public class CustomClientTestEnvironment implements IClientTestEnvironment {
      public void setupGlobalEnvironment() {
        //Set client session:
      public void setupInstanceEnvironment() {

    Of course (1) and (2) are compatible. The second mechanism defines only the default and ClientSession configured with (1) will override the default.