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RabbitMQ missing channel reference in message delivery_info

I'm currently implementing some logic after getting message from rabbitMQ using basic_get without automatically sending ack for messages being received.

According to the tutorial here (Message acknowledgment section), I can't find the channel reference within the msg itself and send ack like mentioned in above link:


That is because in my msg delivery info array there is no such thing channel.
I wonder how could it be that it is missing.

Edit: code snippet of basic get

  $msg = $this->channel->basic_get($this->queueName, false);  

Here is a var_dump of my message:(Yellow part)
ampq messagel


  • According to the AMQP spec get-ok which is the return value of basic-get doesn't include the channel, in contrast to what happens with basic-deliver, which is used when a message arrives for a consumer started with basic-consume.

    So the library behaviour is correct.

