The task is to generate audio data and let the pyaudio
play them. In steps:
1. Generate the sound data
2. Convert them to strings so the
3. pyaudio stream
could play them
Number one is clear and all works with e.g. this code:
for x in xrange(NUMBEROFFRAMES):
WAVEDATA = WAVEDATA+chr(int(math.sin(2*x/((BITRATE/FREQUENCY)/math.pi))*127+128))
p = PyAudio()
stream = = p.get_format_from_width(1),
channels = 1,
rate = BITRATE,
output = True)
But I want a bit wider range than 0...255 which is the limitation of chr
Any smart ideas?
I have tried:
WAVEDATA = WAVEDATA+struct.pack('f',math.sin(2*x/((BITRATE/FREQUENCY)/math.pi)))
but it doesn't work, it plays just noise. I made a mistake somewhere.
OK, actually it was pretty simple (almost stupid). I've found two options:
1. Here is good example how to do such thing:
2. Or just do this (with defined NUMBEROFFRAMES,BITRATE and FREQUENCY):
import math
import pyaudio
import struct
for x in xrange(NUMBEROFFRAMES):
WAVEDATA = WAVEDATA+struct.pack('f',(math.sin(2*x/((BITRATE/FREQUENCY)/math.pi)))
p = PyAudio()
stream = = p.get_format_from_width(4),
channels = 1,
rate = BITRATE,
output = True)
My stupid mistake was that I left 1 in get_format_from_width
when I was working with floats. It should be 4.