I'm struggling to use the functions MultinormalDistribution and InverseCDF in MultivariateStatistics package. Essentially
<< MultivariateStatistics`
sig = .5; u = .5;
dist = MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, sig*IdentityMatrix[2]];
delta=InverseCDF[dist, 1 - u]
The output is
MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, {{0.5, 0}, {0, 0.5}}], {0.5}]
can someone correct the above code? If I've understood this correctly, delta should be a single number.
1) MultinormalDistribution
is now built in, so don't load MultivariateStatistics
it unless you are running version 7 or older. If you do you'll see MultinormalDistribution
colored red indicating a conflict.
2) this works:
sig = .5; u = .5;
dist = MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, sig IdentityMatrix[2]];
delta = CDF[dist, {xx, yy}]
(*1/4 Erfc[-1. xx] Erfc[-1. yy]*)
note it is a 2d distribution so that CDF
needs two variables in its second argument. The "inverse" of this is a curve in {xx,yy} space. I don't think InverseCDF
works for such multivariate distributions however.
You can visualize your inverse like this:
ContourPlot[delta == 1/2 , {xx, -2, 4}, {yy, -2, 4}]