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Haskell, is it possible to create a curry function that can curry any number of tuple elements

The current curry function takes a function accepting a tuple of 2 elements and allows the resulting function to be curried or partially applied.

let x = curry (\(x, y) -> x + y)
x 1 2 -- 3

Is it possible to create a curry function that can deal with functions that have N elements in their tuples?

I tried creating it, but I'm not sure about 1: type signature, and 2: how to reverse the parameters.

curryN f 0 = f
curryN f n = \a -> (curryN (f) (n-1)) a

curryN (\(x, y, z) -> x + y + z) 3
-- I assume it looks something like: \a -> (\a -> (\a -> (f) a) a) a but I'm not sure


curryN f 0 =  f
curryN f n = curryN (\a - > f a) (n -1)

On a side note, can such a function then discover the number of elements rather than needing to be told what the number is?


  • One of the ways to implement such function is to use GHC.Generics. With this approach we don't even need to pass a number of parameters (or tuple size). This works because there is an instance of Generic defined for tuples which effectively converts a tuple into tree structure (of type Rep a) which we can then traverse from right to left (using continuation passing style here) generating curried function along the way and packing the values of those parameters into identical Rep a structure which then converted into tuple with to function and passed to the original un-curried function-parameter. This code uses only type-level tree of parameters (from function is not used) since we produce the tuple rather then receiving it. The only limitation of this approach is that Generic is defined only for up to eight-element tuple.

    {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses,
      FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances,
      TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    import GHC.Generics
    -- | class for `curryN` function
    class CurryN t r where
        type CurriedN t r :: *
        curryN :: (t -> r) -> CurriedN t r
    -- | Implementation of curryN which uses GHC.Generics
    instance (Generic t, GCurryN (Rep t) r) => CurryN t r where
        type CurriedN t r = GCurriedN (Rep t) r
        curryN f = gcurryN (f . to)
    -- | Auxiliary class for generic implementation of `curryN`
    --   Generic representation of a tuple is a tree of its elements
    --   wrapped into tuple constructor representation
    --   We need to fold this tree constructing a curried function
    --   with parameters corresponding to every elements of the tuple
    class GCurryN f r where
        type GCurriedN f r :: *
        gcurryN :: (f p -> r) -> GCurriedN f r
    -- | This matches tuple definition
    --   Here we extract tree of tuple parameters and use other instances to "fold" it into function
    instance (GCurryN f r) => GCurryN (D1 e1 (C1 e2 f)) r where
        type GCurriedN (D1 e1 (C1 e2 f)) r = GCurriedN f r
        gcurryN c = gcurryN (\t -> c (M1 (M1 t)))
    -- | A node of the tree (combines at least two parameters of the tuple)
    instance (GCurryN b r, GCurryN a (GCurriedN b r)) => GCurryN (a :*: b) r where
        type GCurriedN (a :*: b) r = GCurriedN a (GCurriedN b r)
        gcurryN c = gcurryN (\a -> gcurryN (\b -> c (a :*: b)))
    -- | A leaf of the tree (a single tuple parameter)
    instance GCurryN (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 a)) r where
        type GCurriedN (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 a)) r = a -> r
        gcurryN c = \a -> c $ M1 (K1 a)
    -- Examples of usage
    t2 = curryN (uncurry (&&))
    t3 = curryN (\(a,b,c) -> a + b + c)
    t4 = curryN (\(a,b,c,d) -> ((a , b) , (c , d)))
    tf = curryN (\(f,a,xs) -> foldr f a xs)
    t5 = curryN (\(a,b,c,d,e) -> (a ++ b , c - d, not e))
    t7 = curryN (\(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) -> a7)