In my WPF C# project I'm using docX library to create word documents. With this .NET library I could create String and add inside a docx file as Paragraph. My docx needs to have some subscript characters, for example:
Fb (b as subscript)
I know that there are Unicode characters and numbers for subscript, but some chars are not included. So, how can I add that subscript chars in a C# String?
According to a "How to write text as Subscript?" forum post webpage on the old, which is no longer available, you need to create a new Novacode.Formatting
object. From the linked page:
You need to create a new formatting and assign the values you want to the font.
Dim fotext As New Novacode.Formatting
fotext.Script = Script.subscript
p.InsertText("Text here", False,fotext)
p being the paragraph that you're wanting to insert text into.
In C#, that would be something like this:
Novacode.Formatting fotext = new Novacode.Formatting();
fotext.Script = Script.subscript;
p.InsertText("Text here", false, fotext);