I'm OCaml newbie and I'm trying to write a simple OCaml-like grammar, and I can't figure this out. My grammar allows something like this:
let sub = fun x -> fun y -> x - y;;
However, if I want to use the function so defined, I can write: (sub 7) 3
but I can't write sub 7 3
, which really bugs me. For some reason, it gets interpreted as if I wrote sub (7 3)
(which would treat 7
as a function with argument 3
). The relevant sections are:
/* other operators, then at the very end: */
%left APPLY
/* ... */
/* ... */
| expr expr %prec APPLY { Apply($1, $2) }
The ocaml compiler does function application as follows: (from ocaml/parsing/parser.mly
| simple_expr simple_labeled_expr_list
{ mkexp(Pexp_apply($1, List.rev $2)) }
where simple_expr
is a subset of the possible expr values that can evaluate to a function without needing parentheses. This excludes all the non-self-bracketed constructs from being used inline with a function call. It also clarifies the associativity of the subexpressions, as the second subexpression is explicitly a list.
As to why your attempt to use %left APPLY
to get the correct associativity doesn't work, from the comments in ocaml's parser.mly:
We will only use associativities with operators of the kind x * x -> x
for example, in the rules of the form expr: expr BINOP expr
in all other cases, we define two precedences if needed to resolve
I'd say this means that you can't use %prec for associativity without an operator. Try creating the associativity you want through defining more rules, and see where that leads.