I have the following datagrid in my application mxml:
<event:SelectRowDataGrid id="resultDG"
SelectRowDataGrid is my extension of the Flex DataGrid:
package xx.xx.xx.xx.event
import mx.controls.DataGrid;
public class SelectRowDataGrid extends DataGrid
private var _checkedItems:Array;
public function SelectRowDataGrid() {
_checkedItems = new Array();
public function get checkedItems():Array
for each (var event:EventDTO in dataProvider) {
return _checkedItems;
I am trying to set the enabled property of a button like so:
<controls:PrintButton enabled="{resultDG.checkedItems.length>0}"
But I get the followin error when building:
Multiple markers at this line:
-Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to "length".
What am I missing?
As hinted by Timofei Davydik
Adding [Bindable] annotation to the class made it happen:
public class SelectRowDataGrid extends DataGrid