So, this my code. It gets only the first document. But what I want to do is read a specific document. The view is a collection of usernames and passwords. So, for example : The username is in the 5th document, then the program will scan the view until it finds the right document. Sorry for my poor explanation. I hope you understand my problem.
On Error Goto e
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim results As Variant
Dim cmd As String
Dim d As NotesDocument, flag As Integer, upw As String, uname As String
Set db = source.Database
uname = Inputbox("Enter Username")
Set view = db.GetView("Registration View")
Set d = view.GetFirstDocument()
'cmd = {@DbLookup("";"48257E00:00089AF5";"RegView";1)}
'results = Evaluate(cmd)
Dim pw As String, un As String
'Forall Username In results
' Msgbox username(1)
'End Forall
If Not d Is Nothing Then
un = d.userfield(0)
pw = d.passfield(0)
If un <> uname Then
Msgbox "Username invalid!"
End If
If un = uname Then
upw = Inputbox("Enter Password")
If pw <> upw Then
Msgbox "Password invalid!"
End If
If pw = upw Then
Msgbox "Log In succesful!"
flag = 1
End If
End If
End If
If flag <> 1 Then Call source.Close()
Exit Sub
Print Error, Erl
Instead of using view.getFirstDocument you should use view.getDocumentByKey(uname,true) which return the document with the key uname in the first column in the view
Make sure the first column In the view is set to sorted
If no document is found using the key then getDocumentByKey returns nothing