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Stop jQuery .html() loading javascript

I am using smoothState.js to prefetch a page through ajax. When it updates the page with the html it loads the javascript file again.

The page then seems to run both causing errors. Can I stop jQuery loading the script?

    /** Run when requested content is ready to be injected into the page  */
    onEnd : {
        duration: 0,
        render: function (url, $container, $content) {
            $body.css('cursor', 'auto');
            $body.find('a').css('cursor', 'auto');

The script in the html that that it loads a second time after the ajax load

<script src="/js/main.min.js" async defer="defer"></script>


  • if i understand correctly, try this:

    var stop;
    /** Run when requested content is ready to be injected into the page  */
    onEnd : {
        duration: 0,
        render: function (url, $container, $content) {
            // the id #content must be after script tag in your page
            if(stop) $content = jQuery($content).find('#content').html(); 
            $body.css('cursor', 'auto');
            $body.find('a').css('cursor', 'auto');
            // after first request enable stop variable
             stop = true;


    <script src="/js/main.min.js" async defer="defer"></script>
    <div id="content">.........</div>