I have some C# code document. Need to replace every symbol of every comment by "whitespace".(need to do this with one-lined and multi-lined comments both).
As example: I have comment: //12345 it must be replaced to 7 whitespaces.
The same with multi-line comments. After doing this action I need to have document with the same symbols count.
@RagtimeWilly, I want something like this:
string testsDocumentTemp = testsDocument;
while (DocumentTemp.Contains("/*"))
int CutFromPosition = DocumentTemp.IndexOf("/*", 0);
int CutToPosition = DocumentTemp.IndexOf("*/", CutFromPosition) - CutFromPosition;
string s = testsDocumentTemp.Substring(CutFromPosition, CutToPosition);
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(' ', s.Length);
var result = builder.ToString();
DocumentTemp = DocumentTemp.Replace(s, result);
while (DocumentTemp.Contains("////"))
int CutFromPosition = DocumentTemp.IndexOf("////", 0);
int CutToPosition = DocumentTemp.IndexOf("\n", CutFromPosition) - CutFromPosition;
string s = testsDocumentTemp.Substring(CutFromPosition, CutToPosition);
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(' ', s.Length);
var result = builder.ToString();
DocumentTemp = DocumentTemp.Replace(s, result);
but much more optimal. (didn't try this code, but I believe it must work). I believe, that this is bad way to resolve the task...
Why do you not want to use regex? Something like this seems like it is perfectly suited to solving the problem:
public static string ReplaceComments(string input)
return Regex.Replace(input, @"(/\*[\w\W]*\*/)|//(.*?)\r?\n",
s => GenerateWhitespace(s.ToString()));
public static string GenerateWhitespace(string input)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(' ', input.Length);
return builder.ToString();