I have to set the radius attribute of a WKInterfaceImage
by Swift code.
I need the same formatting as for my others UIImageViews:
logoView.layer.cornerRadius = logoView.frame.width / 2
logoView.clipsToBounds = true
logoView.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
logoView.layer.borderColor = UIColor (
red: 0x33 / 255,
green: 0x99 / 255,
blue: 0x66 / 255,
alpha: 1.0
I checked the reference guide but I found no solution. Thanks for you help!
You don't have this type of functionality with a WKInterfaceImage. There are only a few public APIs.
In order to round the corners of an interface element in WatchKit, you need to use a WKInterfaceGroup. It allows you to modify the radius of all the corners directly in the storyboard.
If you need to create an outlined border around the group, then you'll need to create a custom UIImage and set it as the background image of the group.