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Defining a controller with $routeProvider using a function

I'm trying the following code, but with no success:

MyApp.config(['$routeProvider', '$provide', function($routeProvider, $provide) {
    .when('/', {
        redirectTo: '/'

    .when('/:page', {
        templateUrl: function($routeParams) {
            return 'views/'+ $ +'.html';

    .when('/:page/:child*', {
        templateUrl: function($routeParams) {
            return 'views/'+ $ + '/' + $routeParams.child + '.html';
        controller: function($routeParams) {
            return  $routeParams.child + '.' +  $ + 'Controller';

        redirectTo: '/'

what i want to accomplish is to define the controller for each view with a function based on the $routParams variable:

controller: function($routeParams) {
            return  $routeParams.child + '.' +  $ + 'Controller';

while it works pretty good with the templateUrl, it doesn't seem to work when i define the controller.


  • The idea for achieving this would be, create a constant variable that would be assigned to controller inside that we want to load conditionally, we want set controller name by watching $routeParams, for that we could watch for $routeChangeStart and accordingly we will set costants.controllerName value, which would be the name of controller.

    You could achieve this by something doing like below.


      controllerName : ''


    MyApp.config(['$routeProvider', '$provide','constants', function($routeProvider, $provide, constants) {
        .when('/', {
          redirectTo: '/'
        .when('/:page', {
          templateUrl: function($routeParams) {
            return 'views/' + $ + '.html';
        .when('/:page/:child*', {
          templateUrl: function($routeParams) {
            return 'views/' + $ + '/' + $routeParams.child + '.html';
          controller: constants.controllerName
          redirectTo: '/'

    Run Block['$rootScope', '$location', 'constants', '$routeParams',
      function($rootScope, $location, constants, $routeParams) {
        // register listener to watch route changes
        $rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function(event, next, current) {
            constants.controllerName = $routeParams.child + '.' + $ + 'Controller'; //set controller name on $routeChangeStart

    I haven't tried this, I believe this code should work, Thanks.