I am currently trying to create a circular transition between my FAB and another Activity.
From what I understodd in the documentation, I should use makeSceneTransitionAnimation in a similar way to this:
public void onFabClicked(View v){
try {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SearchActivity.class);
ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions
.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, v, "reveal");
startActivity(intent, options.toBundle());
} catch (Exception e) {
// makeSceneTransitionAnimation not supported, maybe a check of SDK level is enough to avoid catching an error?
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SearchActivity.class);
Unfortunately, the current animation displays a rectangle during the animation.
How is it possible to turn this into the beautiful circular reveal that we love in Lollipop?
I am trying to achieve this (except that the color should be fullscreen, but you got the point..)):
What I actually get:
OK, I used this as an example: it's working fine:
But.... Yes, that's simple and works fine, but this is not really the most efficient way to achieve the effect, I guess. Adding an extra view to your layout and playing with visibility is maybe not the optimal way.
It had a lot of trouble implemented George Mount's solution. But as this solution is written by a Software Engineer at Google, working in the Android UI Toolkit team, and suggested by Alex, an other Google engineer, I guess that I should spend more time with it as it doesn't require an extra view in my layout...
The second one is a little bit harder for me, but will work on it.
In any way, the problem is solved.