Search code examples

Would a file with a response header `Cache-Control:Private` be prevented from being cached in a NSURLCache?

Would a file with a response header Cache-Control:Private be prevented from being cached in a NSURLCache? Either a shared cache (as in setSharedCache and NSURLCache.sharedCache() ) or a custom one?

To expand, I have UIWebView that I need to access when offline. The source of this WebView has multiple external CSS and JS files associated with it. I can cache most of the site (the CSS, etc looks in place), however it seems to not be caching a specific JavaScript file that provides important information for the site. A difference that I noted between the file that won't cache and the rest is that it's Cache-Control is set to private (the others are public). However, from what I have read, setting the cache control to private is to prevent caching on proxies. Would it affect caching on iOS?

Setting up the cache

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

    let URLCache: NSURLCache = NSURLCache(memoryCapacity: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
                                            diskCapacity: 50 * 1024 * 1024,
                                                diskPath: nil)


    println("Disk cache usage: \(NSURLCache.sharedURLCache().currentDiskUsage)")


    return true

Using the cache

func getWebPage(onCompletion: (NSString, NSURL) -> Void) {

    let url = getApplicationSelectorURL()

    let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url, cachePolicy: .ReturnCacheDataElseLoad, timeoutInterval: 10.0)

    let queue = NSOperationQueue()

    NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: queue, completionHandler: { response, data, error in
        println("Web page task completed")

        var cachedResponse: NSCachedURLResponse

        if (error != nil) {
            println("NSURLConnection error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
            if let cachedResponse = NSURLCache.sharedURLCache().cachedResponseForRequest(request) {
                if let htmlString = NSString(data:, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
                    onCompletion(htmlString, url)
                } else {
                    println("htmlString nil")
            } else {
                println("cacheResponse nil")
        } else {
            cachedResponse = NSCachedURLResponse(response: response, data: data, userInfo: nil, storagePolicy: .Allowed)
            NSURLCache.sharedURLCache().storeCachedResponse(cachedResponse, forRequest: request)
            if let htmlString = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
                onCompletion(htmlString, url)
            } else {
                println("htmlString nil")

Populating the UIWebView

APICommunicator.sharedInstance.getWebPage({ htmlString, url in

        self.webView.loadHTMLString(htmlString, baseURL: url)



  • I ended up creating a method similar to the NSURLConnectionDelegate method willCacheResponse, and replacing the Cache-Control:private header.

    willCacheResponse method

    func willCacheResponse(cachedResponse: NSCachedURLResponse) -> NSCachedURLResponse?
        let response = cachedResponse.response
        let HTTPresponse: NSHTTPURLResponse = response as NSHTTPURLResponse
        let headers: NSDictionary = HTTPresponse.allHeaderFields
        var modifiedHeaders: NSMutableDictionary = headers.mutableCopy() as NSMutableDictionary
        modifiedHeaders["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=604800"
        let modifiedResponse: NSHTTPURLResponse = NSHTTPURLResponse(
                URL: HTTPresponse.URL!,
                statusCode: HTTPresponse.statusCode,
                HTTPVersion: "HTTP/1.1",
                headerFields: modifiedHeaders)!
        let modifiedCachedResponse = NSCachedURLResponse(
                response: modifiedResponse,
                userInfo: cachedResponse.userInfo,
                storagePolicy: cachedResponse.storagePolicy)
        return modifiedCachedResponse

    calling method

    if let cachedResponse = self.willCacheResponse(
            NSCachedURLResponse(response: response,
                                    data: data,
                                userInfo: nil,
                           storagePolicy: .Allowed)) {
        NSURLCache.sharedURLCache().storeCachedResponse(cachedResponse, forRequest: request)

    And now it displays correctly when offline. What a journey.