cache and shared classes are application wide. there are some details I know but here's scenario:
I'm keeping parameters in database. I read them to datatable and store them in cache. whenever I need I directcast cache variable to datatble, query it and get the result. So I'm not using sql server every time.
Alternative is: read database and store it in class shared variable Whenever needed I use this shared variable (datatable) and query it. if this variable is empty I fill ilt from db. as variable is datatable I cont need to directcast it.
which one is preferred ? OR can I use any of them as there's no difference.
This class is not a special one. Just contains functions that reads parameters from database. To speed it up I started to use aspnet cache but I noticed that I don't need to because class variables can handle that.
any suggestions ? Can you think any possible outcome for this scenario that only works with parameters that won't change ?
class Class1
private shared localVar as datatable
public shared function readParam1 as string -- this is my old method
... SELECT from params table
return value
end function
public shared function readParam2 as string -- then I implemented this
if httpcontext.cache variable is empty then
... SELECT from params table
... set cache variable
end if
value = directcast(cachevalue, string)
return value
end function
public shared function readParam3 as string -- now I'm planing to use this
if localVar is empty then
... SELECT from params table
... slocalVar = sql table
end if
value = select value with localVar.Select function
return value
end function
end class
Shared variables are the winner here: 1. they would be a little faster than cache because cache needs to lookup dictionary. 2. they are more readable, easier to use
In fact I can't remember use for cache. Because whatever you store in cache is shared data, so? In fact I'm so curoious about this question I'll open new stackoverflow question: shared variables vs cache