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Retrieving virtual disk file name from disk number

When I list virtual disks within diskpart:

DISKPART> list vdisk

  VDisk ###  Disk ###  State                 Type       File
  ---------  --------  --------------------  ---------  ----
  VDisk 0    Disk 2    Attached not open     Fixed       C:\Disk.vhd

Interesting part for me here is file name. I tried to find equivalent of function that would give me file name (under File column) if I know disk number.

Ideally, I would give "\\?\PhysicalDrive2" and I would get "C:\Disk.vhd" as result.

I already tried:

  1. Using diskpart and parsing output - since it is undocumented format, it can change at any time. This is not something I would rely on.
  2. General VHD API - no function takes disk number as parameter.
  3. Microsoft.Storage.Vds.dll - There are enumerations that go through each drive (e.g. Service.Providers) but there is no property/function that will give me name of source file. While I can now be sure that e.g. drive D: is virtual drive, I still cannot know which .vhd file was attached.

Any idea which function that might be?


  • Here are two solutions to retrieve virtual disks on the local machine and to print their information. The two solutions demonstrate how to use VDS COM objects to access these data both in a native and managed way.

    Managed Solution

    I have create a partial COM Interop from the MSDN Documentation and from the Windows 7 SDK (mainly vds.h). Note that the COM wrappers are partial, which means that some methods are yet to be ported.

    Below is a managed application that uses the .NET COM interop to:

    • Load the VDS service
    • Query for the Virtual Disk Providers
    • List all the Virtual Disk handled by each provider:
      • The virtual disk's properties gives its GUID, its full driver path, its volume size and its disk file (i.e. C:\Disk.vhd).
      • A virtual disk can be also be queried as a generic disk and gives its name (i.e. \\?\PhysicalDrive1), its friendly name and other properties.

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    namespace VDiskDumper
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Create the service loader
                VdsServiceLoader loaderClass = new VdsServiceLoader();
                IVdsServiceLoader loader = (IVdsServiceLoader)loaderClass;
                Console.WriteLine("Got Loader");
                // Load the service
                IVdsService service;
                loader.LoadService(null, out service);
                Console.WriteLine("Got Service");
                // Wait for readyness
                Console.WriteLine("Service is ready");
                // Query for vdisk providers
                IEnumVdsObject providerEnum;
                service.QueryProviders(VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG.VDS_QUERY_VIRTUALDISK_PROVIDERS, out providerEnum);
                Console.WriteLine("Got Providers");
                // Iterate
                while (true)
                    uint fetched;
                    object unknown;
                    providerEnum.Next(1, out unknown, out fetched);
                    if (fetched == 0) break;
                    // Cast to the required type
                    IVdsVdProvider provider = (IVdsVdProvider)unknown;
                    Console.WriteLine("Got VD Provider");
            private static void Dump(IVdsVdProvider provider)
                // Query for the vdisks
                IEnumVdsObject diskEnum;
                provider.QueryVDisks(out diskEnum);
                Console.WriteLine("Got VDisks");
                // Iterate
                while (true)
                    uint fetched;
                    object unknown;
                    diskEnum.Next(1, out unknown, out fetched);
                    if (fetched == 0) break;
                    // Cast to the required type
                    IVdsVDisk vDisk = (IVdsVDisk)unknown;
                    // Get the vdisk properties
                    VDS_VDISK_PROPERTIES vdiskProperties;
                    vDisk.GetProperties(out vdiskProperties);
                    Console.WriteLine("-> VDisk Id=" + vdiskProperties.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("-> VDisk Device Name=" + vdiskProperties.pDeviceName);
                    Console.WriteLine("-> VDisk Path=" + vdiskProperties.pPath);
                    // Get the associated disk
                    IVdsDisk disk;
                    provider.GetDiskFromVDisk(vDisk, out disk);
                    // Get the disk properties
                    VDS_DISK_PROP diskProperties;
                    disk.GetProperties(out diskProperties);
                    Console.WriteLine("-> Disk Name=" + diskProperties.pwszName);
                    Console.WriteLine("-> Disk Friendly=" + diskProperties.pwszFriendlyName);
        [ComImport, Guid("118610b7-8d94-4030-b5b8-500889788e4e"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
        public interface IEnumVdsObject
            void Next(uint numberOfObjects, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object objectUnk, out uint numberFetched);
            void Skip(uint NumberOfObjects);
            void Reset();
            void Clone(out IEnumVdsObject Enum);
        [ComImport, Guid("07e5c822-f00c-47a1-8fce-b244da56fd06"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
        public interface IVdsDisk
            void GetProperties(out VDS_DISK_PROP diskProperties);
            void GetPack(); // Unported method
            void GetIdentificationData(IntPtr lunInfo);
            void QueryExtents(); // Unported method
            void slot4();
            void SetFlags(); // Unported method
            void ClearFlags(); // Unported method
        [ComImport, Guid("0818a8ef-9ba9-40d8-a6f9-e22833cc771e"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
        public interface IVdsService
            int IsServiceReady();
            int WaitForServiceReady();
            void GetProperties(); // Unported method
            void QueryProviders(VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG mask, out IEnumVdsObject providers);
            void QueryMaskedDisks(out IEnumVdsObject disks);
            void QueryUnallocatedDisks(out IEnumVdsObject disks);
            void GetObject(); // Unported method
            void QueryDriveLetters(); // Unported method
            void QueryFileSystemTypes(out IntPtr fileSystemTypeProps, out uint numberOfFileSystems);
            void Reenumerate();
            void Refresh();
            void CleanupObsoleteMountPoints();
            void Advise(); // Unported method
            void Unadvise(); // Unported method
            void Reboot();
            void SetFlags(); // Unported method
            void ClearFlags(); // Unported method
        [ComImport, Guid("e0393303-90d4-4a97-ab71-e9b671ee2729"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
        public interface IVdsServiceLoader
            void LoadService([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string machineName, out IVdsService vdsService);
        [ComImport, Guid("1e062b84-e5e6-4b4b-8a25-67b81e8f13e8"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
        public interface IVdsVDisk
            void Open(); // Unported method
            void GetProperties(out VDS_VDISK_PROPERTIES pDiskProperties);
            void GetHostVolume(); // Unported method
            void GetDeviceName(); // Unported method
        [ComImport, Guid("b481498c-8354-45f9-84a0-0bdd2832a91f"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
        public interface IVdsVdProvider
            void QueryVDisks(out IEnumVdsObject ppEnum);
            void CreateVDisk(); // Unported method
            void AddVDisk(); // Unported method
            void GetDiskFromVDisk(IVdsVDisk pVDisk, out IVdsDisk ppDisk);
            void GetVDiskFromDisk(IVdsDisk pDisk, out IVdsVDisk ppVDisk);
        [ComImport, Guid("9c38ed61-d565-4728-aeee-c80952f0ecde")]
        public class VdsServiceLoader
        public struct Signature
            public uint dwSignature;
            public Guid DiskGuid;
        public struct VDS_DISK_PROP
            public Guid Id;
            public VDS_DISK_STATUS Status;
            public VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE ReserveMode;
            public VDS_HEALTH health;
            public uint dwDeviceType;
            public uint dwMediaType;
            public ulong ullSize;
            public uint ulBytesPerSector;
            public uint ulSectorsPerTrack;
            public uint ulTracksPerCylinder;
            public uint ulFlags;
            public VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE BusType;
            public VDS_PARTITION_STYLE PartitionStyle;
            public Signature dwSignature;
            public string pwszDiskAddress;
            public string pwszName;
            public string pwszFriendlyName;
            public string pwszAdaptorName;
            public string pwszDevicePath;
        public struct VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE
            public uint DeviceId;
            public Guid VendorId;
        public struct VDS_VDISK_PROPERTIES
            public Guid Id;
            public VDS_VDISK_STATE State;
            public VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE VirtualDeviceType;
            public ulong VirtualSize;
            public ulong PhysicalSize;
            public String pPath;
            public String pDeviceName;
            public DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG DiskFlag;
            public bool bIsChild;
            public String pParentPath;
        public enum DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_NONE = 0x00000000,
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_READ_ONLY = 0x00000004,
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_REMOTE = 0x00000008,
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_SYSTEM_VOLUME = 0x00000010,
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_REMOVABLE = 0x00000040,
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_NO_DRIVE_LETTER = 0x00000080,
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_PARENT = 0x00000100,
            DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG_NO_HOST_DISK = 0x00000200,
        public enum VDS_DISK_STATUS
            VDS_DS_UNKNOWN = 0,
            VDS_DS_ONLINE = 1,
            VDS_DS_NOT_READY = 2,
            VDS_DS_NO_MEDIA = 3,
            VDS_DS_FAILED = 5,
            VDS_DS_MISSING = 6,
            VDS_DS_OFFLINE = 4
        public enum VDS_HEALTH
            VDS_H_UNKNOWN = 0,
            VDS_H_HEALTHY = 1,
            VDS_H_REBUILDING = 2,
            VDS_H_STALE = 3,
            VDS_H_FAILING = 4,
            VDS_H_FAILED_REDUNDANCY = 6,
            VDS_H_FAILED = 8,
            VDS_H_REPLACED = 9,
            VDS_H_PENDING_FAILURE = 10,
            VDS_H_DEGRADED = 11
        public enum VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE
            VDS_LRM_NONE = 0,
            VDS_LRM_EXCLUSIVE_RW = 1,
            VDS_LRM_EXCLUSIVE_RO = 2,
            VDS_LRM_SHARED_RO = 3,
            VDS_LRM_SHARED_RW = 4
        public enum VDS_PARTITION_STYLE
            VDS_PST_UNKNOWN = 0,
            VDS_PST_MBR = 1,
            VDS_PST_GPT = 2
        public enum VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG
        public enum VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE
            VDSBusTypeUnknown = 0,
            VDSBusTypeScsi = 0x1,
            VDSBusTypeAtapi = 0x2,
            VDSBusTypeAta = 0x3,
            VDSBusType1394 = 0x4,
            VDSBusTypeSsa = 0x5,
            VDSBusTypeFibre = 0x6,
            VDSBusTypeUsb = 0x7,
            VDSBusTypeRAID = 0x8,
            VDSBusTypeiScsi = 0x9,
            VDSBusTypeSas = 0xa,
            VDSBusTypeSata = 0xb,
            VDSBusTypeSd = 0xc,
            VDSBusTypeMmc = 0xd,
            VDSBusTypeMax = 0xe,
            VDSBusTypeFileBackedVirtual = 0xf,
            VDSBusTypeMaxReserved = 0x7f
        public enum VDS_VDISK_STATE
            VDS_VST_UNKNOWN = 0,

    Native Solution

    Below is a native application that uses the VDS COM interfaces to:

    • Load the VDS service
    • Query for the Virtual Disk Providers
    • List all the Virtual Disk handled by each provider:
      • The virtual disk's properties gives its GUID, its full driver path, its volume size and its disk file (i.e. C:\Disk.vhd).
      • A virtual disk can be also be queried as a generic disk and gives its name (i.e. \\?\PhysicalDrive1), its friendly name and other properties.

    #include "initguid.h"
    #include "vds.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #pragma comment( lib, "ole32.lib" )
    #pragma comment( lib, "rpcrt4.lib" )
    // Simple macro to release non-null interfaces.
    #define _SafeRelease(x) {if (NULL != x) { x->Release(); x = NULL; } }
    void exploreVDiskProvider(IVdsVdProvider *pVdProvider);
    int __cdecl main(void) 
        HRESULT hResult;
        ULONG ulFetched = 0;
        BOOL bDone = FALSE;
        IVdsServiceLoader *pLoader = NULL;
        IVdsService *pService = NULL;
        IEnumVdsObject *pProviderEnum = NULL;
        IUnknown *pUnknown = NULL;
        IVdsVdProvider *pVdProvider = NULL;
        // Initialize COM
        hResult = CoInitialize(NULL);
        if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
        // For this, get a pointer to the VDS Loader
        hResult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VdsLoader,
            (void **) &pLoader);
        if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
        printf("Loading VDS Service...\n");
        // Launch the VDS service. 
        hResult = pLoader->LoadService(NULL, &pService);
        // We're done with the Loader interface at this point.
        if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
        // Wait for service to be ready
        hResult = pService->WaitForServiceReady();
        if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
        printf("VDS Service Loaded\n");
        // Query for virtual disk providers
        hResult = pService->QueryProviders(VDS_QUERY_VIRTUALDISK_PROVIDERS, &pProviderEnum);
        if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
        printf("Querying providers...\n");
        // Iterate over virtual disk providers
            ulFetched = 0;
            hResult = pProviderEnum->Next(1, &pUnknown, &ulFetched);
            if (FAILED(hResult)) {
            if (hResult == S_FALSE) {
            // Cast the current value to a virtual disk provider
            hResult = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IVdsVdProvider, (void **) &pVdProvider); 
            if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
            printf("VDS Virtual Disk Provider Found\n");
        return 0;
        printf("Failed hr=%x\n", hResult);
        return 1;
    void exploreVDiskProvider(IVdsVdProvider *pVdProvider) {
        HRESULT hResult;
        ULONG ulFetched = 0;
        IEnumVdsObject *pVDiskEnum = NULL;
        IVdsVDisk *pVDisk = NULL;
        IUnknown *pUnknown = NULL;
        IVdsVolume *pVolume = NULL;
        VDS_VDISK_PROPERTIES vdiskProperties = { 0 };
        TCHAR *uuid = NULL;
        IVdsDisk *pDisk = NULL;
        VDS_DISK_PROP diskProperties = { 0 };
        // Query the disks handled by the provider
        hResult = pVdProvider->QueryVDisks(&pVDiskEnum);
        if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
        printf("Querying virtual disks...\n");
        // Iterate over virtual disks
            ulFetched = 0;
            hResult = pVDiskEnum->Next(1, &pUnknown, &ulFetched);
            if (hResult == S_FALSE) {
            if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
            // Cast the current value to a disk
            hResult = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IVdsVDisk, (void **) &pVDisk);
            if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
            printf("Virtual disk Found\n");
            // Get the disk's properties and display some of them
            hResult = pVDisk->GetProperties(&vdiskProperties);
            if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
            // Convert the GUID to a string
            UuidToString(&vdiskProperties.Id, (RPC_WSTR *) &uuid);
            // Dump some properties
            printf("-> Disk Id=%ws\n", uuid);
            printf("-> Disk Device Name=%ws\n", vdiskProperties.pDeviceName);
            printf("-> Disk Path=%ws\n", vdiskProperties.pPath);
            // Get the disk instance from the virtual disk
            hResult = pVdProvider->GetDiskFromVDisk(pVDisk, &pDisk);
            if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
            // Get the disk's properties and display some of them
            hResult = pDisk->GetProperties(&diskProperties);
            if (FAILED(hResult)) goto bail;
            printf("-> Disk Name=%ws\n", diskProperties.pwszName);
            printf("-> Disk Friendly Name=%ws\n", diskProperties.pwszFriendlyName);
        printf("Failed hr=%x\n", hResult);