I know that you can make generic procedures using abstract types, like in here:
fortran class declaration of dummy argument
But can I do the same sort of thing with the following code?
module proc_mod
public :: forced,ideal
interface forced; module procedure forced1; end interface
interface forced; module procedure forced2; end interface
function forced1() result(forced)
implicit none
integer:: forced
forced = 1
end function
function forced2(t) result(forced)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: t
integer:: forced
forced = t
end function
function ideal() result(i)
implicit none
integer:: i
i = 2
end function
end module
program procTest
use proc_mod
implicit none
integer :: n
procedure(forced), pointer:: funPointer => NULL()
write(*,'(A)') "Please enter the type of vortex calculation you wish to use."
read(*,*) n
select case( n )
case( 1 ); funPointer => forced
case( 2 ); funPointer => ideal
case default; funPointer => ideal
end select
write(*,'(A,I3)') "You chose function: ", funPointer()
end program
Right now I'm getting the error: funPointer may not be generic. I'm sure there's a way around it, but I'm unfamiliar with generic procedures.
No, you cannot make procedure pointer to a generic procedure. You also cannot pass generic procedures as dummy argument. You must always choose one specific function.
You should perhaps explain what is your intention, not just show some code and ask if it can be done differently. But anyway, take in mind that Fortran generics are used for compile time dispatch.