I'm trying to build an expression evaluator with ANTLR v3 but I can't get the factorial function because it is right associative. This is the code:
class ExpressionParser extends Parser;
options { buildAST=true; }
imaginaryTokenDefinitions :
expr : LPAREN^ sumExpr RPAREN! ;
sumExpr : prodExpr ((PLUS^|MINUS^) prodExpr)* ;
prodExpr : powExpr ((MUL^|DIV^|MOD^) powExpr)* ;
powExpr : runary (POW^ runary)? ;
runary : unary (FAT)?;
unary : (SIN^|COS^|TAN^|LOG^|LN^|RAD^)* signExpr;
signExpr : (
m:MINUS^ {#m.setType(SIGN_MINUS);}
| p:PLUS^ {#p.setType(SIGN_PLUS);}
)? atom ;
atom : NUMBER | expr ;
class ExpressionLexer extends Lexer;
PLUS : '+' ;
MINUS : '-' ;
MUL : '*' ;
DIV : '/' ;
MOD : '%' ;
POW : '^' ;
SIN : 's' ;
COS : 'c' ;
TAN : 't' ;
LOG : 'l' ;
LN : 'n' ;
RAD : 'r' ;
FAT : 'f' ;
LPAREN: '(' ;
RPAREN: ')' ;
SEMI : ';' ;
protected DIGIT : '0'..'9' ;
NUMBER : (DIGIT)+ ('.' (DIGIT)+)?;
{import java.lang.Math;}
class ExpressionTreeWalker extends TreeParser;
expr returns [double r]
{ double a,b; int i,f=1; r=0; }
: #(PLUS a=expr b=expr) { r=a+b; }
| #(MINUS a=expr b=expr) { r=a-b; }
| #(MUL a=expr b=expr) { r=a*b; }
| #(DIV a=expr b=expr) { r=a/b; }
| #(MOD a=expr b=expr) { r=a%b; }
| #(POW a=expr b=expr) { r=Math.pow(a,b); }
| #(SIN a=expr ) { r=Math.sin(a); }
| #(COS a=expr ) { r=Math.cos(a); }
| #(TAN a=expr ) { r=Math.tan(a); }
| #(LOG a=expr ) { r=Math.log10(a); }
| #(LN a=expr ) { r=Math.log(a); }
| #(RAD a=expr ) { r=Math.sqrt(a); }
| #(FAT a=expr ) { for(i=1; i<=a; i++){f=f*i;}; r=(double)f;}
| #(LPAREN a=expr) { r=a; }
| #(SIGN_MINUS a=expr) { r=-1*a; }
| #(SIGN_PLUS a=expr) { if(a<0)r=0-a; else r=a; }
| d:NUMBER { r=Double.parseDouble(d.getText()); } ;
if I change FAT matching case in class TreeWalker with something like this:
| #(a=expr FAT ) { for(i=1; i<=a; i++){f=f*i;}; r=(double)f;}
I get this errors:
Expression.g:56:7: rule classDef trapped:
Expression.g:56:7: unexpected token: a
error: aborting grammar 'ExpressionTreeWalker' due to errors
Exiting due to errors.
Your tree walker (the original one) is fine, as far as I can see.
However, you probably need to mark FAT
in the grammar:
runary : unary (FAT^)?;
(Note the hat ^, as in all the other productions.)
As explained in the Antlr3 wiki, the hat operator is needed to make the node the "root of subtree created for entire enclosing rule even if nested in a subrule". In this case, the ! operator is nested in a conditional subrule ((FAT)?
). That's independent of whether the operator is prefix or postfix.
Note that in your grammar the ! operator is not right-associative since a!!
is not valid at all. But I would say that associativity is only meaningful for infix operators.