I like the APIs of the Retrofit and OkHttp rest/http libraries from Square. I am evaluating options for writing a server-side rest client. For each request to my SOAP-based web service, I have to consume another, restful web service, thus my need for a rest client.
My question is, are Retrofit and OkHttp suitable for server-side use in a highly concurrent web app, or are there likely to be issues, known or otherwise, stemming from these APIs having been designed for use primarily outside of the server-side?
Reading the documentation and perusing the code, nothing jumped out at me to indicate that these libraries would not be suitable. But I don't want to be a guinea pig either. Has anyone experienced any issues with server-side use under high load/concurrency? Had success? Anyone from the dev teams for those libraries care to comment? ;)
We use OkHttp on the Square Cash server and we haven't had problems.