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activerecord in-memory shared cache

Is possible to use the "shared cache" of sqlite3 through activerecord? (see:

I use activerecord standalone (without rails) in a JRuby Swing App, with some Worker-Threads involved. Problem: ONLY the main thread can access the data, since every thread rebuilds a new in-memory DB. So i get just

[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: insert_model_name)

from everywhere, except the main thread. Is there a workaround or did I miss something? (i use the latest versions of jruby, java, and the gems)

Thanks in advance!

Database-Config so far:

UPDATE: Minimal script to illustrate the problem. It runs well under Linux but not in WIndows 7:


  • The following token works well:
    Also, check your SQLite version, it should be at least 3.7.13 to support this feature.