I have a function which return a list of values. Some of these values may be empty lists themselves, while some are not. However, at the end of every list, there is a #<unspecified>
value present. I understand that this value is returned when the function does not return anything.
I want to trim this value, along with other null lists.
My list is like this:
(() () MD- MC+. #<unspecified>)
I intend to apply a filter function to this list.
The criteria that I will be applying is null?
However, when this is applied to the #<unspecified>
value, it gives me false. How can I remove the #<unspecified>
value from the list?
The output of this list after applying the filter function should be:
(MD- MC+)
How do I do this?
Your list is not a proper list but a dotted list. All higher order functions like filter
, fold
, map
, ... require the lists to be proper so such list cannot be used.
I'm wondering if perhaps the reason you are stuck with such list is because of a bug in the procedure that produced the list. Usually if you have a recursive procedure..
(define (list-add1 lst)
(if (pair? lst)
(cons (add1 (car lst)) (list-add1 (cdr lst)))))
Now, every schemer sees right away that this is the same as:
(define (list-add1 lst)
(if (pair? lst)
(cons (add1 (car lst)) (list-add1 (cdr lst)))
And that when used you will change a proper list into a dotted list:
(list-add1 '(1 2 3)) ; ==> (2 3 4 . UNDEFINED-IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIED-VALUE)
The fix is to fox the procedure that makes the dotted list to handle both branches of if
. eg.
(define (list-add1 lst)
(if (pair? lst)
(cons (add1 (car lst)) (list-add1 (cdr lst)))
(list-add1 '(1 2 3)) ; ==> (2 3 4)
Of course if thats not the case, you can transform a dotted to proper by either keeping the final value in its own cons or dropping it:
(define (dotted->proper lst keep-value)
(cond ((pair? lst) (cons (car lst) (dotted->proper (cdr lst) keep-value)))
((null? lst) '())
(keep-value (cons lst '()))
(else '())))
(dotted->proper '(1 2 . 3) #f) ; ==> (1 2)
(dotted->proper '(1 2 . 3) #t) ; ==> (1 2 3)