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Tell dependent function in conditional statement branch that condition is true

I have a function with a type signature (x, y : SomeType) -> (cond x y) = True -> SomeType. When I check the condition in if-then-else/case/with statement, how do I pass to the function in a corresponding branch the fact, that condition is true?


  • You can use DecEq to make this easy:

    add : (x, y : Nat) -> x + y < 10 = True -> Nat
    add x y _ = x + y
    main : IO ()
    main =
      let x = S Z
      in let y = Z
      in case decEq (x + y < 10) True of
              Yes prf => print (add x y prf)
              No _ => putStrLn "x + y is not less than 10"

    But you shouldn't.

    Using booleans (via = or So) can tell you that something is true, but not why. The why is very important if you want to compose proofs together or break them apart. Imagine if add called a function which needed x + y < 20 - we can't just pass our proof that x + y < 10 = True because Idris knows nothing about the operation, just that it's true.

    Instead, you should write the above with a data type which contains why it's true. LTE is a type which does that for less-than comparisons:

    add : (x, y : Nat) -> LTE (x + y) 10 -> Nat
    add x y _ = x + y
    main : IO ()
    main =
      let x = S Z
      in let y = Z
      in case isLTE (x + y) 10 of
              Yes prf => print (add x y prf)
              No _ => putStrLn "x + y is not less than 10"

    Now, if add called a function which needed a LTE (x + y) 20 we can write a function to widen the constraint:

    widen : a `LTE` b -> (c : Nat) -> a `LTE` (b + c)
    widen LTEZero c = LTEZero
    widen (LTESucc x) c = LTESucc (widen x c)

    This is not something we can easily do with just booleans.