I have a pyramid project with the following directory structure. Inside my views.py, I have this line of code that specifies where my template is.
@view_config(route_name='home', renderer='templates/mytemp.pt')
Now, I get an error since it is looking for my template inside my view directory. Even if I give the path as "demo/templates/mytemp.pt" I get the same error.
ValueError: Missing template asset: demo.view:templates/mytemp.pt (/home/Demo/demo/view/templates/mytemp.pt)
This is my directory structure:-
|-- Demo.egg-info
`-- demo
|-- errors
|-- model
|-- scripts
|-- static
| `-- somefolder
|-- templates
|-- test
`-- view
My views.py is inside the view folder and mytem.pt sits inside templates folder.Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Appending ../
to the beginning of the renderer argument seems to work.