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PHP Imagick setImageCompression

I'm just starting to write some PHP using the Imagick / ImageMagick library, and have seen several examples regarding setImageCompression which appear to implement things differently.

For example I've seen it used like this:


and also like this:


So, what is the relevance of the backslash before declaring the compression type? Is this specific to the compression type? A typo in examples I've seen or something else?


  • The backslash is only necessary when using namespaces.

    For instance, the former won't work in namespace Foo because it will look for a class Foo\Imagick:

    namespace {
        var_dump(Imagick::COMPRESSION_LZW); // int(11)
    namespace Foo {
        var_dump(Imagick::COMPRESSION_LZW); // Class 'Foo\Imagick' not found

    The second will work in all cases:

    namespace {
        var_dump(\Imagick::COMPRESSION_LZW); // int(11)
    namespace Foo {
        var_dump(\Imagick::COMPRESSION_LZW); // int(11)