I am trying to learn how to use Numpy. Consider I have the roots of a polynomial. I use
coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfromroots(roots)
to get the coefficients of the polynomial as an array. Then I use
print np.poly1d(coeff)
To print out the polynomial. Let that polynomial be
x^2 +3x + 2
Now how do I transform the variable such that
x is now 2/x
That is the equation becomes
(2/x)^2 + 6/x + 2
In scilab I can do this using the horner function. Is it possible in numpy?
In SymPy this would be simply:
from sympy.abc import x
f = x**2 + 3*x + 2
g = f.subs({x:2/x})
Resulting in:
#2 + 6/x + 4/x**2