In POSIX _POSIX_VDISABLE value if -1, there is no disabling character for special character for all the terminal device files; otherwise the value is the disabling character value..
Can please anyone help me understand this. I m not able to get the exact meaning of this.
If you look at the definition of special characters, that should mean (thre '-1' value), that all those special characters are active:
In canonical input, the terminal driver recognizes a number of special characters which perform various control functions.
These include theERASE
character (usually DEL) for editing input, and other editing characters.
The INTR character (normally Ctrl-c) for sending aSIGINT
signal, and other signal-raising characters, may be available in either canonical or noncanonical input mode.
And you have a lot of those specal characters:
The question has been raised to see if such a value was portable (did always compiled) in 1997:
The wording in section 2.9.4:
If any of the constants in Table 2-11 are defined to have value -1 in the header ....
can suggest, on casual reading, code like the following to minimize size and optimize efficiency for each implementation:
/* code that assumes no vdisable capability */
/* code that assumes vdisable capability */
/* code that uses pathconf() to determine vdisable capability */
The interpretation #34 suggests that it will.
By using these values at COMPILE-TIME, a portable POSIX.1 application can avoid loading all pathconf() related code associated with a symbol in Table 2-11 when the symbol is defined.